Understanding what SSO is all about

Imagine a world where you just have to show your I.D card once and every security department grants you access without you having to repeat your full details each time you have dealings with them.

Yes, that is what SSO basically does under the hood. Now, let's look into the meaning of the word, "SSO" in details

What is SSO?

  • It is an acronym that stands for "Single Sign-On".

  • It is a technology that makes life easy for application or end users

  • With this technology, a user can log in to different applications using a single login screen

Now we have seen what SSO stands for and some details about it, one might wonder what the advantages entail for everyone involved. Let's have a look into some of the pros of integrating Single Sign-On in your company's or personal application(s).

Advantages of SSO

  • It encourages improved security

  • It reduces the stress on Software developers to create new authentication solutions in applications

  • Since it eases the login process into applications, customers tend to be satisfied

  • Using the right documentation and knowledge, it is easy to integrate

  • Easy to manage

Next, we will be looking at some of the best and most popular providers of this service at the time of writing this article.


Using SSO will reduce a lot of stress on the engineering team and end users. Thank you for reading.

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