A simple Introduction to JavaScript
In this article, we will be discussing some basics introductory topics in JavaScript: what it means, it's uses and application in the world of software development.
- What is JavaScript?
- Uses and application of JavaScript
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a programming or scripting language that conforms to ECMAScript specification. It was originally named Mocha which was changed to Livescript and lastly to JavaScript. JavaScript is used in adding inter-activeness to web pages. This can be achieved in many ways which will be discussed later in the article. Through these means, users can feel more comfortable navigating web pages.
Uses and application of Javascript
JavaScript currently is one of the top-most popular scripting languages in the world and used by Front-end Developers. It has a wide range of uses. Here's a list of some of it's use cases and application:
Making a webpage interactive: JavaScript is used to make navigation through web pages easy for users by adding functionalities to elements on the page. This can be achieved by the click of a button, changing the color of a text or background, animations and so on.
Building web servers: Node.js is an open-source server environment. It executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. It allows for server-side scripting.
Building Web Applications: With the advancements in technology, devices have improved in ways that encourages the need for browsers to be updated which in turns requires web applications to be built that allows users more flexibility while navigating through.
Games: Games can be created or built using JS libraries like EaseJS which makes it easy to manipulate graphics. It also has Application Program Interfaces(APIs) that helps to achieve this.
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